Thursday, May 8, 2008

Antonio Banderas where are you?

You know that commercial for some seasonal allergy medicine with a bee voiced by Antonio? No? Well there is one and my poor Fred needs some. I'm on snot patrol. He hates it, I hate it, but it must be done so he can breath. Imagine having all that gunk and you can't blow your nose, so instead you try to sneeze it out but that doesn't get everything, so then some giant leaning over you starts prodding your nose with kleenex or an aspirator (you know that turkey baster looking thing). Fred hates that aspirator thing so much that every time I've used it to try to clear up gunk he cries so hard he starts choking because he can't breath so it ends up with him throwing up. My poor baby! He doesn't seem to mind other than feeding is a little harder and Stan and I are working on trying to teach him when it comes to sneezing 'say it don't spray it', to no avail.

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