Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Nerd... its in our DNA

We were given this sweater by one of my mom's good friends, its handmade and you can't see it in the picture but there is a navy F knitted into the sweater, and the buttons are little crayons. We put him in it and it cracks me up. I think we found Fred Rogers replacement. Yes, I'm truly enjoying the power of "I'm bigger than you and will make you wear ridiculous things" - its so short lived I must take advantage! You will also notice some ridiculous faces he makes. My favorite is this "oh" mouth and he curls is tongue - it makes me laugh every time!


ARod said...

Wow. I have no words, really! Wow! Sorry Fred!

KEO said...

There's a giant "F" on there somewhere?! I LOVE IT.

jill said...

yay for nerds! i love nerds!

maybe i'll make fred an I "HEART" my nerdy parents t-shirt =)